
who is Freddy Maugatai from Deadliest Catch?

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who is Freddy Maugatai from Deadliest Catch?

Freddy Maugatai, a fisherman who initially appeared on the show in 2008, quickly won over fans with his charm and ferocious demeanor. This implied that he would occasionally engage in a risky action on the program, like plunging into the chilly waters of Alaska to retrieve walrus tusks. Before joining the crew of the "Wizard" as a deckhand, he started his career as a fisherman aboard the Cornelia Marie. He has been fishing for about 18 years and lives in San Diego, California. In 2011, he became well-known for his role in the television series Deadliest Catch, and since then, he has developed a solid reputation. 

Freddy Maugatai From Deadliest Catch


Early life of Freddy Maugatai 

Freddy grew up in American Samoa, where fishing, particularly tuna fishing, is a major industry. It's crab fishing on "Deadliest Catch," something Freddy wasn't introduced to until later in life. While honing his fishing skills, he would become acquainted with Samoan prayers to the fishing Gods that would assist him in catching more fish. Freddy improved his fishing skills over time, eventually becoming the skipper of multiple fishing boats.  

About the show 

American reality television program Deadliest Catch debuted on the Discovery Channel on April 12, 2005. During the Alaskan king crab and snow crab fishing seasons, the program follows crabbers on fishing boats in the Bering Sea. The port of Dutch Harbor, Alaska, on the Aleutian Islands serves as the fishing fleet's operational hub. The title of this show, which was created for the Discovery Channel, refers to the substantial risk of harm or death involved in this line of employment. 

Career of Freddy Maugatai 

The Reality TV star's career on the show began when he was cast in it. That doesn't mean he had never tried fishing, though. He used to catch any raw animals he could find because he was a Samoan, who were known for their fishing prowess. He had never gone crab fishing until a pot burst during one of his excursions and a crab was inside. 

Tim Menke's hiring of Freddy Maugatai for "Deadliest Catch" marked the beginning of his professional career.  At the end of 2011, he served as the seasoned deckhand on his first crew, the Wizard Crew. He started working as a deckhand for the first time when he boarded the F/V Cornelia Marie, where he spent a few months. 

He reported to the ship's captain, Keith Colburn. He always put his best foot forward and approached obstacles with optimism, 

leaving a lasting impression. He also earned the moniker Lightning Bolt for his relentless work ethic. 

He is always the last person to leave and the first person to board. Due to his ability to quickly build strong working relationships with the rest of the crew and his caring nature, Freddy is every Captain's ideal deckhand. 


Personal life of Freddy Maugatai 

Amanda Young, his wife, has been Freddy Maugatai's sweetheart for a  very long period. The pair also has a son named Alice Phillips and a daughter named Annabella Naea. 

Freddy praised his wife as being "beautiful, great, and lovely." She was a wonderful mother, he said, and he was grateful for everything she had ever done for the family. 

The charming couple has been wed for a long time. Social media is used to share pictures of each other. With his wife and kids, Freddy spends the off-season in San Diego, California. 

Freddy wife and his Daughter




Freddy Maugatai is aware of how important his family is. His time away from them is increasing, especially since his mother Olivia Leafa Maugatai passed away in March 2020. 

He talked fondly of his mother's funeral, which he had termed as "wonderful." While the experience was awful, Maugatai said he had to maintain his composure for the benefit of his father, sisters, brothers, and the entire family. 

Freddy also enjoys talking about anything with his beloved grandparents. His grandparents are credited with helping him develop greater resiliency and the concept of "earning respect to receive respect." 

Net worth of Freddy Maugatai 

According to estimates, Freddy Maugatai has a net worth of $1 million. He reportedly made about $37,000 a year as a deckhand, according to reports. He can now lead a carefree, happy life thanks to his accumulated wealth. 

Freddy has encountered a lot of obstacles and problems since starting his career. At the age of 19, Freddy started working on the water, and he hasn't stopped since. 

He was employed by "Call Blue North Fishery" and didn't speak English at the time. He has already worked on five single pot boats and four long-line king brown crab boats throughout his 29 years. 

What happened to the Freddy Maugatai? 

Freddy Maugatai, a fisherman who debuted in the series in 2008, rapidly won over fans with his charm and fiery demeanor. This meant that occasionally he would perform crazy tricks on the show, such as plunging into the bitterly cold waters of Alaska to retrieve some walrus tusks. He began his career as a deckhand aboard the fishing boat Cornelia Marie before switching to the Wizard's crew. 

He has, however, been involved in a number of scandals since being on the program, even losing his ship in 2011. Here are some recent activities for Maugatai since his appearance on "Deadliest Catch." 

Where is he now? 

No information about Freddy Maugatai's current whereabouts was publicly available as of my most recent knowledge update in September 2021. I advise looking out the most recent details on Freddy Maugatai and his location or present activities on dependable news websites, social media platforms, or, if accessible, his official website. These sites might offer updates on his activities since my knowledge cutoff, whether they be professional or personal. 

Freddy is active on social media like Instagram and twitter, where he posts her photos and child photos to her fans. He has around 4518k followers on her Instagram account. 

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Bio of Freddy Maugatai 

On St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, 1973, Freddy Maugatai was born in American Samoa, a territory without an official government. He has spent the majority of his life in the Pacific and is of Samoan origin. 

Star facts of Freddy Maugatai   

Full Name 

Freddy Maugatai 

Birth Name 

Eleti Maugatai 

Age (2022) 

49 years old 

Birth Date 

4th February 1973 

Birth Place 

Apia, Samoa 




Former Reality tv star, fisherman, boat captain 

known for 

appearance in the reality TV series “Deadliest Catch” since 2008 

Marital Status 


Wife/ Spouse 

Amanda Young 



Net worth 

$1 million (estimate) 


Does Freddy Maugatai, the star of Deadliest Catch, have a wiki bio? 

Freddy Maugatai, a former "Deadliest Catch" star, currently lacks a wiki biography of his own. He gained notoriety by participating in reality programs on the Discovery Channel. 

Has Freddy Maugatai ever been married? 

Freddy Maugatai is wed, and Amanda Young is his wife. Two children were born into the family. 

In 2022, how old will Freddy Maugatai be? 

Freddy Maugatai, a fisherman, will be 49 years old in 2022. Every year on February 4th, he has a birthday celebration with his loved ones. 

Freddy Maugatai got arrested 

Nothing shiny is actually gold. The diligent celebrity had a run-in with the law that resulted in his arrest. He got into a confrontation with a couple during one of his hotel visits, placing the husband in a headlock and using force against the wife by pushing her away. He said it was all done in self-defense in his statement to the police. 

The Deadliest Catch Star has a history of inappropriate behavior. Due to his dubious actions with the tenacious crew of the Wizard Crew, Captain Monte Colburn once discharged him. After observing the bottle's bottom, he was not on time and missed the ship's departure of bairdi. 

Trivia of Freddy Maugatai 

  • Freddy Maugatai, a fisherman who initially appeared on the show in 2008, quickly won over fans with his charm and ferocious demeanor. 
  • In 2011, he became well-known for his role in the television series Deadliest Catch, and since then, he has developed a solid reputation 
  • His time away from them is increasing, especially since his mother Olivia Leafa Maugatai passed away in March 2020.